Change the HTML code in your Blog
Log into your Blogger account with your username and password. Once you are in your blog's dashboard you'll see the word manage on the right, followed by three tabs: Post, Settings and Layout. Click the Layout tab.2
Look under the heading choices on the Layout tab. You'll see four choices listed: Page Elements, Fonts and Colors, Edit HTML and Pick New Template. Click the Edit HTML tab.3
Backup your template if you haven't already. This is always a wise idea and will let you easily repair any accidental mistakes that you may make when you edit the HTML of your blog. Once you have made a back up of your template save it on your computer.4
Hold down the CTRl button and the F key on your computer simultaneously. Make sure that you have placed your cursor in the HTML box first. This brings up a search or find window. Depending upon your Internet browser, it will either be located at the bottom or top of your computer screen.5
Copy and paste the following code into the search or find box.<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>The code will be highlighted in the HTML.6
Copy and paste the following information directly above the highlighted code.<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/><meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/><meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>7
Fill in your information where it says 'DESCRIPTION HERE', KEYWORDS HERE', and 'AUTHOR NAME HERE'. Write a nice description that describes the purpose of your blog. Type in a list of keywords that describes the content of your blog and separate each term with a comma and then enter your name where it says "Author Name Here."8
Click preview and view your blog. As long as everything looks correct and there are no errors, click save.